⚠ The information on this Web site is intended as a study guide, and clearly not as a substitute for official sources.
Under construction!
The goal is to build this out into a learning tool for mentally visualizing proper approaches into standard traffic patterns.
Click the “Randomize” button to generate a new random scenario. As of now, it is set up that you will be placed
2 nm from an uncontrolled airfield. Your magnetic heading (e.g. 123) and the runway identifier (e.g. 13) are given, and the
traffic direction (currently always “left”).
The objective is to:
mentally visualize the relative runway layout; then click “Runway” to verify it
mentally visualize the traffic pattern (including ‘the 45’); then click “Traffic pattern” to verify it
mentally plan the proper entry to the traffic pattern; then click “Approach path” to verify it
Currently, two approach path strategies are always displayed:
the goldenrod path shows the ‘direct-to-the-45’ strategy;
the teal path shows the ‘cross-the-runway-to-enter-the-45’ strategy.
I need to verify whether/which of these is actually correct and display only that one.
The drawing is to scale; each grid rectangle is 1 nm2.